How to File for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Arkansas

An individual analyzing financial information | Bankruptcy Lawyer | Natural State Law, PLLC

This post provides details about filing for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Arkansas. There is a particular process to follow, and an experienced legal team can ensure that you do it the right way the first time.

What Happens to Child Support Debt in Personal Bankruptcy?

Man reviewing graphs with a calculator and pen | Bankruptcy Attorney | Natural State Law, PLLC

Child support debt cannot be discharged in either personal bankruptcy filing. In some cases, a support obligation may shift resources from one debt to another, but it’s important to note there are no options to discharge or liquidate the debt.

When Should You File a Business Bankruptcy in Arkansas?

Calculator set against a blurred office backdrop | Bankruptcy Attorney | Natural State Law, PLLC

There is plenty to think about for Arkansas business owners considering Chapter 7, 11, or 13 Bankruptcy. This post outlines three initial things to think about, along with broader considerations about the state of the business in question. In any case, Natural State Law is here to help.

How Many Times Can You File for Bankruptcy in Arkansas?

An individual analyzing information on a laptop | Bankruptcy Attorney | Natural State Law, PLLC

There are different timelines to consider within the Bankruptcy Code regarding how many times you could file for a personal or business bankruptcy. This post discusses how many times you can file for bankruptcy in Arkansas.

Will Creditors Show Up to My Meeting of Creditors?

A person preparing for a meeting of creditors | Business Law Firm | Natural State Law, PLLC

In most cases, the 341 hearing is a lot less intimidating than it sounds. Unless there are significant issues or remaining assets, creditors will likely not show up, and the Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy filing will move along as planned.

How To Keep Your Home Through a Bankruptcy In 2021

Miniature house, money, and a wooden gavel | Bankruptcy Attorney | Natural State Law, PLLC

There are ways to keep your home through bankruptcy, but they need to be done within the guidance of a qualified bankruptcy attorney. There are routes for home protection through Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, but both need to be done with great care.

Converting a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy to Chapter 7

business meeting in progress with two people | Bankruptcy Attorney | Natural State Law, PLLC

Converting a Chapter 13 bankruptcy to a Chapter 7 proceeding may be the right option for those looking to liquidate and consolidate assets in a more efficient fashion. However, it’s important to understand the entire process to see if the conversion is even possible.

How to Know if Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is Right For You

Person looking stressed with bills | Bankruptcy Attorney | Natural State Law, PLLC

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can be a viable solution for those looking to restructure personal debt while keeping their home, automobile or other important property. However, it’s important to consider the broader ramifications before filing the petition. Speaking with a qualified bankruptcy attorney can help you make the right decision.

What Happens To Credit Cards in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Several credit cards piled together | Bankruptcy Attorney | Natural State Law, PLLC

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often a route for those who find themselves buried under credit card debt. Since credit cards are often a low priority on the repayment schedule, much of this debt can be discharged. However, if credit card debt is your primary debt, it may require partial repayment. 

How to Rebuild Credit After Chapter 13 Discharge

A person's hand using a calculator with documents | Bankruptcy Lawyer | Natural State Law, PLLC

Rebuilding credit after a Chapter 13 bankruptcy isn’t impossible, but it is difficult. You’re going to want to understand all of the tenets that go into a credit rebuild before formalizing your own filing. A qualified bankruptcy attorney can help.