How Can You Avoid Probate in the State of Arkansas?

Do you want to know how to avoid probate in Arkansas? If so, here is everything you need to know about how to avoid probate court and what the probate process looks like for smaller estates.
How To Handle Probate in the State of Arkansas

Are you the executor of a will or a beneficiary in Arkansas? If so, here is everything you need to know about the probate process and how assets are distributed with and without a will.
What is the Difference Between a Living Will and an Advance Directive?

This post discusses some of the differences between an advance directive and a living will. Although they are largely the same, there are a few important things worth pointing out for Arkansas residents considering drafting these important documents.
How Do You Avoid Probate in Arkansas?

Avoiding probate in Arkansas primarily comes down to good estate planning. A little bit of pre-planning and foresight can save plenty of headaches down the road. Natural State Law is here to help advise through the entire process.
What to Know About Special Needs Trusts

A special needs trust (SNT) can be an invaluable planning instrument to set aside financial resources for the ongoing care of a disabled beneficiary. There are specific rules to follow when setting one up so it can be the most effective, and the help of a knowledgeable estate planning attorney is crucial.
How to Build an Effective Financial and Healthcare Powers of Attorney Document

An effective estate plan ensures that your wishes are fulfilled regarding assets and property. A well-written estate plan, which would include a will and healthcare/financial powers of attorney, is worth the time and effort. Everyone can benefit from a plan, no matter how many or how few assets they may have.